
A-Star Classroom

Welcome to our resource hub, where you will find lesson plans, video guides, colourful fact sheets and more. Produced for teachers, by teachers, these resources provide teachers with the tools to deliver fun, engaging content within a structured learning framework.

Scheme of Work

KS1: A Musical Journey

Our showcase resource consists of a 6 week lesson scheme of work for both Key Stage 1 and 2. A Musical Journey introduces pupils to styles, rhythms and sounds from around the globe.

Scheme of Work

KS2: A Musical Journey

Suitable for use by specialist and non-specialist teachers in Primary Schools, A Musical Journey includes lesson videos, teacher guides, detailed written lesson plans and the corresponding backing tracks.

KS1 & KS2

Lesson Plans and Resources

Detailed topic lessons for use throughout the year, with lesson plans to guide the teacher through each session, accompanied by video guides and backing tracks.

PDF Downloads

"How to Play" Instrument Guides

Downloadable Instrument Guides providing information on how to hold and play each instrument correctly. These colourful and engaging factsheets can be printed and displayed for easy reference and brighten up your classroom.

Printable Worksheets

Cross-Curricular Activities

A selection of different worksheets for pupils to use. These vary from colouring exercises in KS1, wordsearches for KS2 and research task sheets ideal for homework tasks and more.

Online Videos

"How to Play" Video Guides

A series of detailed video guides to assist with how to play the instruments in the Musical Journey Pack. These can be used to familiarise yourself with different percussive sounds or can be shared with the class to enable them to get to grips with their instrument.

The Strings Club

Ukulele Kickstarter

We have partnered with The Strings Club to provide a starter pack for your ukulele journey. This resource bundle includes a song book and detailed videos to guide players through the first steps.

For Teachers

Blog Posts

A selection of articles, posts and interviews written by primary music specialists. Designed to support your music teaching and provide additional areas of research.

Meet Katie - Our Content Creator

Katie is a primary music specialist working in Lambeth, South London. Her passion for music education began during her studies at the Guildhall School of Music as a flautist, where she discovered Kodàly’s principles and pedagogy under the expert tutelage of David Vinden. During Katie’s undergraduate studies, she took the opportunity to complete her Erasmus study period at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, where she observed and qualified further in the Kodàly-based practice of Colourflute. 

On her return to London, she completed her Masters at the Guildhall School of Music in Orchestral Artistry (Flute) and taught flute at the Colourstrings Music School, South London as well as working for several music hubs in North-East London. 

Katie then completed her PGCE primary training through the School Direct route, and swiftly navigated her way back to her true passion, primary music education. Katie particularly enjoys the curriculum design and planning element of her work and can be found supporting other local practitioners through Lambeth Music Hub. Katie was also part of the Oak National Academy Primary Music Team and is part of the ‘Every Copy Counts’ Teacher Studio. Outside of her professional practice, Katie enjoys making music in the chamber choir, Invicta Voices.

Katie Miner - Primary Music Specialist